Sunday 5 October 2008

Fried Chinese law: teach you to understand Chinese fried law

When you get a prescription medicine, will be written for the special fried puzzled by law. These words what exactly does that mean, specifically how the operation it?

Due to a wider source of traditional Chinese medicine, quality, features, some of the drugs fry than the special law.

Xian Jian: difficult to apply water-soluble minerals, shell drugs, such as a magnet, such as oysters; there are a number of toxic substances such as Monkshood, Aconitum, and so on, through the Xianjian its full composition of a pan-fried, or reduce the toxicity of drugs. General Xian Jian Yi 30-60 minutes and then adding a decoction of other drugs.

After: suitable for aromatic smell, the volatile components, spoilers, such as mint, Artemisia annua, and so on. General other drugs to be boiled into 5-10 minutes, then boil 3-5 minutes.

Another fried: suitable for the precious drugs, such as ginseng, horns and so on. It usually fried in another 2-3 hours later, take another solution suits, or other liquid mixed use.

Bao Jian: apply powder, with the pile of drugs, such as talcum powder, such as Inula. Muddy prevents the liquid to stimulate the throat, as well as inconvenience to swallow. After the drug wrapped in gauze into the pot medicine decoction.

Melting: also known as smelt, and the appropriate type of glue and sticky-soluble drugs, such as e-gum, caramel, and so on. Chong Fu Jian Hao with the liquid, or other Jianhao Add the liquid in the heat after taking melting.

Bubble serving: suitable for ingredients easily dissolved, the decoction or efficacy of the drug easy to damage, such as saffron, such as senna. Hot water or other liquid Jianhao just soak while it is hot, stuffy placing a close, reducing evaporation, and a half hours later to take Java.

Chong Fu: apply to the precious drugs, a small amount, the drug can prevent the loss, such as the bezoar, such as velvet. Some medicines or high temperature easily damaged, difficult to dissolve the active ingredients, such as Lei Wan, Cape grass buds, and so on.

Jian Tang on behalf of Water: easy to apply to the muddy liquid, difficult to use, such as stoves subsoil; or the amount of light, bulky, and a large quantity of water, such as Si Gualuo, such as corn to be. Xianjian after taking supernatant water decoction on behalf of other drugs.

In addition, the brewing time for the general water-soaked Yaomian, 3 centimeters higher than Yaomian about too much water, taking the inconvenience; too little water is not conducive to the dissolution of the drug. May be brewing before the first drug on the container, water 15-30 minutes. And then using fire to boil drugs, drug suffering low heat 15-30 minutes.

Some drugs, such as cold medicine, heat drugs, drug Huashi, volatile ingredients, boiled 3-5 minutes after the pan-fried; some drugs, such as drug benefit, the composition of a hard boiled, fried to boiled after 30-60 minutes. Do not brewing frequently opened containers to prevent the volatile components; Jianhao of liquid secretion in a timely manner to prevent the liquid back to smoking. A general medicine decoction 2nd, 1st decoction can be taken using a liquid, can be mixed after the 2nd decoction liquid, taking 2 hours.

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