Sunday 5 October 2008

Some of the taboos of Chinese medicine

The taboos of Chinese medicine can be divided into three types:

(1) incompatibility of Chinese medicine: as a result of certain prescription drugs can have the opposite, with bad relations with each other so that the effect or reduce the toxicity caused so taboo to use the same.

(2) drugs for pregnant women taboo: the main action in order to avoid child, abortion, as a result of the majority of pregnant women after Dahan, fever, diarrhea Jun sliding profits, Poxue Quyu larger drug toxicity and tolerance poor, the relevant Drugs must Ji Yong.

(3) medication during the diet taboos: taboos known as the main medication in order to avoid the interference, in order to enhance the efficacy can be divided into a certain type of diet drug corresponding to the different conditions and under the conditions of two types of medication at the time of taboos, such as the former Ji ginseng radish, amaranth turtle shell bogey, bogey licorice silver carp, Changshan avoid onions, vinegar Poria bogey. The latter medication for chronic diseases must avoid cold, heat treatment of sexually transmitted diseases during the anti-spicy, greasy, carbuncle Chuangdu ulcers, skin disease free fish, goose and spicy to stimulate the goods.

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